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Fall Ball

Fall ball is an opportunity for EYBSA spring baseball and softball players to continue practicing through the fall in a less competitive environment. The Fall Season is designed to give kids a chance to play at the level they would play at next season. Register your player at the grade level he or she will be in the fall. Players going into 9th grade can still register to play at the Senior level for baseball & 14u level for softball.

  • 7th, 8th & 9th Grade = Senior Baseball & 14U Softball
  • 5th & 6th Grade = Junior Baseball & 12U Softball
  • 3rd & 4th Grade = Minor Baseball & 10U Softball

The fall ball season typically runs 6-8 weeks depending on divisions. Games are Sunday only, but Saturdays could be an option as well this year. Most teams will only practice once a week, but that is determined by the coach. We understand that many kids are participating in other fall sports/activities.

We will not create a team unless a Head Coach has been identified. When you register your player you can select what volunteer role you would like to have.

Register early!! We will fill teams based on availability of coaches per level and date of player registration. Once teams are full, we will open the wait-list. We will try to place all kids from the wait-list on a team but can't guarantee it. Registration must be paid to be placed on a team. 

  • Cost for Fall Baseball
    • Minor & Juniors $150
    • Seniors $175
  • Cost for Fall Softball $135
  • Cost for uniform (jersey + hat) for player that did not play spring ball
    • Players will need to purchase pants
      • White pants for baseball
      • Black = softball)

Players' spring season uniforms (jersey and hats) will be used for the fall season.

Any questions, email

EYBSA Mission & Vision


Estacada Youth Baseball and Softball seeks to provide an opportunity for any child between the ages of 5 and 14 in the community of Estacada to practice, play, and learn the games of baseball and softball. EYBSA provides an opportunity to play ball for approximately 500 children in Estacada each year.

It is the goal of EYBSA to provide the most positive and rewarding youth sports experience possible for all players of every skill level, while providing the opportunity to maximize each player’s skill development, knowledge of the games of baseball and softball, and recognition of the importance of sportsmanship.

JBO Mission Statement


Junior Baseball Organization Inc. is an Oregon non-profit corporation that exists to provide young boys and girls an opportunity to participate in an organized baseball experience. It is the goal of Junior Baseball to provide each child, regardless of skill level, an opportunity to compete in baseball against other players of equal skill and grade.

We will purposefully aid in each athlete’s development of positive character traits and values that will foster success throughout their lifetime. We will coach skills, mental and physical growth, a respect for the rules of the game, and essential principles of sportsmanship, safety, and fair play.  Junior Baseball is devoted to creating an environment where coaches, parents, fans, umpires, and athletes work together to accomplish our mission.



You will or have already, received an email today regarding Uniform ordering... PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE EMAIL!

The Company has changed the way we order, so now every team has a specific link that will bring them directly to the correct screen to order. This will also help with system errors and mass people ordering all at the same second.

Please be patient for your email, as our Uniform Coordinator is generating each teams specific link and emails specifically to that team.


If you have more than one player or you are coaching, you will have to order separately for each. An email will include the coach’s name as well as a color or American, or Federal for labelling or tracking purpose.

· Uniform numbers are on a first come first serve basis.

· Make sure you’re putting your players LAST name in the required spot (this is what will be printed on the back of the jersey) and save your name for the shipping area.



2024 Spring Season Registration is now closed

Thank you for all the parents that took time to register your baseball & softball players for our 2024 Season! Registration is now closed!


GO Rangers

Coaches registration is still open! Please consider being one of our amazing coaches this season!

Our Payment plans have had a slight change due to SportsEngines updates.

Our Payment Plan will charge the initial 1/4 of the total registration fee. Then there will be 3 or 4 monthly payments charged on the 1st of the months following based on the month the you register in.

ex: Register in December; Your first 1/4 initial payment will be processed. THEN Jan. 1st, Feb. 1st, Mar. 1st and Apr. 1st will each have an equal payment of the remaining 3/4 of the registration balance.

Register in January; Your 1/4 initial payment will be processed. THEN Feb 1st, Mar. 1st and April 1st will each have an equal payment of the remaining 3/4 of the registration balance.





Estacada Youth Baseball and Softball Board recognizes that, from time to time, players may need to withdraw from a sport due to  unforeseen circumstances. Registration fees are based on a variety of costs determined by the total number of teams and number of  players registered on each team.

Because many of these costs must be paid in advance, player  withdrawals (cancellations) still result in a cost to EYBSA. As such, we have adopted the following policy for refunds to accommodate people whose plans have changed while maintaining the financial responsibilities associated with each sports season:

  • Cancellations made prior to the close of registration will receive a 90% refund of payment.
  • Cancellations made after close of registration, but before evaluations (or formation of teams for T-ball and Rookie levels of play) will receive 50% refund of payment.
  • Cancellations made after evaluations (or formation of teams for T-ball and Rookie levels of play) will not receive a refund.
  • Estacada Youth Baseball and Softball does not issue gear or uniforms to players after a cancellation has been processed.
    • ADDED for COVID-19 Pandemic
    • If EYBSA determines that the season cannot be played due to restrictions or access to fields beyond our control, we will refund 100% of fees. If game play is allowed, with restrictions in place all player registrations cancellations will refer to the normal refund policy above.


Field Updated 5/24/24
Bus Barn OKAY to Game/Practice on infield
JV Softball OKAY to Game/Practice on infield
JV Baseball OKAY to Game/Practice on infield
Pierce St. OKAY to Game/Practice on infield
Main St. OKAY to Game/Practice on infield
Timber Park OKAY to Game/Practice on infield

Contact Us

Eatacada Youth Baseball And Sotball